
Best time to get your Prom Dress

Make an appointment with MK Prom!

Our appointment book fills up fast every year between March and June here in Milton Keynes. We recommend you get in your request as soon as possible to make sure we have time for selection, sizing, fitting and final fitting for you!

Click here to get your appointment now!

MK Prom for any budget

If your budget is tight, we have two words for you that can really help: “Early” and “Late”. By shopping for your prom dress or evening going in the “shoulder sales” periods well before the prom season and then just before most events kick off, you can find significant savings as either last year’s styles are being discounted, or styles which were over-ordered or colours or sizes which did not sell as expected also go on deep discounts.

That said, we do have quite a few prom dresses at MK Prom in Bletchley that we sell daily at reasonable discount. We have arrangements with local and national suppliers and on some styles, can offer some very reasonable discounts. At the end of the day, we prefer to make a sale, rather than have you go away without something both stylish and affordable!

Size really does matter!

One dilemma that we do often hear at MK Prom is changes in weight — that may affect how your dress fits in the future. If you are still losing weight or growing, then we would ask that you schedule your first fitting as soon to the event as possible to avoid our great dresses not looking their best.
At your appointment, please inform us how things are going weight-wise, because that will let us know which styles and cuts will be most suitable — and forgiving — of any future changes in your form.

Having another idea?

We cannot emphasis enough how quickly styles and fashions change in the prom dress industry. We are constantly surprised which fashions come to the fore each year — and it is not always a predictable science.

However, we do analyse trends and know from sales what is going to be popular. We recommend that you decide on the style around 2 to 3 months prior to your event. With your choice firm, you can then have a look at other things, such as accessories and shoes, and ensure that your hair style is perfect for the dress style you have chosen.

Book your MK Prom appointment now!

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