
Epic: Sophie and Dad on the road

So me and my Dad set off from Sunderland, dead set on hitting up MK Prom in Milton Keynes for this epic prom dress hunt. After a few failed attempts in Durham, Sheffield, and even Newcastle – talk about a wild goose chase – we were both kinda fed up but still hopeful.

Dad decided a road trip was in order, which was kinda cool but also a bit of a pain. There he was, thinking he’s the next David Bowie or something, belting out these tunes that were, honestly, proper cringe. I’m there trying to get some decent TikTok content and keep up with my Snap streaks, and he’s in the background ruining my vibe!

Halfway through, we stopped at this service station near Peterborough, and it was awesome – had lunch at Taco Bell, which was lush. I’m obsessed with these service stations; they’ve got everything. Hit up a noodle bar too, which was bang on. It’s the little things, right?

Finally getting to MK Prom in Milton Keynes was like finding treasure. I literally fell for the first dress I tried on – it was the one. No messing, no fuss. Dad was buzzing, seeing me so happy after all that drama.

All those trips, the dodgy singing, and service station feasts, made the journey to MK Prom unforgettable. Found my dream dress and had a laugh with Dad – totally worth it.

That trip with my Dad?

Unforgettable. Snagging my dream dress from MK Prom just made it epic. Making that journey, absolutely worth it for the perfect dress and those priceless moments with Dad.

Please note that in some cases, names and some locations have been changed to protect privacy of the client.